Common Myths and Misconceptions About AAC

It’s Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) awareness month!

AAC is an intervention approach that utilizes manual signs, communication boards, and computerized devices that speak and aid in the child’s full communication abilities (requesting, protesting, commenting, and making choices).

Here are some common myths and misconceptions regarding AAC:

Myth #1 AAC hinders verbal speech development

Fact: Research has shown that AAC can actually improve vocabulary understanding and overall verbal speech development

Myth #2 Only non-verbal children need AAC

Fact: Individuals who are verbal can benefit from AAC usage to increase communication understanding, intelligibility with communication partners and reduce communication breakdowns

Myth #3 Children have to be a certain age to begin utilizing AAC.

Fact: It is never too early or too late for AAC to be introduced

Myth #4 AAC should be the last resort for treatment

Fact: AAC usage can be introduced when any communication issue arises

Here are some great ways to incorporate AAC usage with your child at home:

Encourage usage of specific gestures/signs

Provide visual pictures to help the child make choices

Utilize a speech-generating device/app to aid in the child’s productions Are you interested in learning more about AAC and how it may help your child with communication? Set up a consult with one of our specialists by calling us at (904) 372-4070 or emailing [email protected].

Related Tag: Coastal kids pediatrics

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Kat DeAngelis

