Fine Motor Milestones
0-5 Months
- Grasps Rattle
- Holds Rattle for 30 seconds
- Lying on back, reaches for toy
- Follows object with eyes
- Holds hands together
- Puts hands in mouth
- Places both hands on bottle
6-8 Months
- Transfer toy from one hand to other
- Uses raking grasp to move objects
- Takes objects to mouth
- Bangs cup on table
- Lifts cup by handle
- Holds own bottle
- Begins to hold spoon
- Reaches & grasps objects with extended elbow
- Crawls
- Pulls up
- Removes sock
9-11 Months
- Drinks from cup with assistance
- Grabs a crayon with a fisted grasp
- Holds, bites, chews cracker or cookies
- Bangs 2 cubes held in hand at midline
- Pokes with index finger
- Uncovers toy seen hidden
- Finger feeds self
- Holds Spoon
- Cooperates with dressing by extending arm/leg
- Stacks 1 block
- Removes both socks
- Creeps
12-14 Months
- Scribbles
- Waves goodbye
- Takes off shoes
- Drinks from cup
- Picks up 2 small cubes with one hand
- Brings spoon to mouth
- Opens book
- Walks independently
15-18 Months
- Throws objects
- Indicates discomfort over soiled pants
- Removes hat
- Unzips zipper
- Removes both socks
- Drinks from cup with spilling
- Sucks a straw
19-24 Months
- Builds 4-6 cube tower
- Feeds self with spoon
- Zips/Unzips Large zipper
- Turns door knob
- Imitates vertical & horizontal lines
- Gives up bottle
- Helps with simple household tasks
- Tries to play catch
- Undresses completely
- Drinks from cup independently
2-3 Years
- Stacks 8-10 blocks
- Strings 2-4 beads
- Removes most clothes
- Imitates vertical, horizontal, circular strokes
- Manipulates play dough
- Matches a square, circle, triangle
- Snips with scissors
- Knows main body parts
- Helps put things away
- Unbuttons large buttons
- May reject many foods
- Dresses with supervision
- Uses fork
3-4 Years Old
- Builds 10 block tower
- Draws a person with 2-4 parts
- Helps with bathing
- Cuts paper into 2 pieces
- Unbuttons 3 buttons
- Dresses without supervision
4-5 Years
- Manipulates fasteners
- Connects dots
- Draws a square
- Touches each finger to thumb
- Grasps marker between thumb & pad of index finger
- Distinguishes front/back of clothing
5-6 Years
- Copies triangle, diamond
- Draws a person with at least 7 parts
- Understands ‘more’ & ‘less’
- Prints letters
- Spreads with knife
- No toiletry accidents
- Brushes teeth independently
- Ties shoes
- Catches a tennis ball
- Cuts with knife