Possible Indicators Of Sensory Processing

- Bothered by ordinary household sounds (vacuum cleaner, toilet flushing)
- Responds negatively to loud noises (crying, holding hands over ears)
- Easily distracted by background noises
- Does not appear to hear what you are saying or respond to name
- Likes certain sounds repeatedly

- Bothered by bright lights (sun) or florescent lights
- Difficulty finding objects in competing backgrounds
- Demonstrates poor eye contact
- Difficulty catching a ball and copying words from the board
- Enjoys watching objects move and spin

- Avoids messy play
- Dislikes standing in line next to others
- Prefers to touch instead of being touched
- Dislikes teeth brushing, nail clipping, hair brushing
- Picky eating (textures)
- High tolerance for pain

- Wiggles around during seated activities
- Craves spinning/swinging/rocking
- Likes being upside down
- Is afraid of movement
- Avoids playground equipment
- Fears having head tilted backward
- Is afraid to sit on a toilet
- Experiences car sickness
- Demonstrates poor balance

- Seeks activities such as pushing, pulling, dragging, lifting, and jumping
- Difficulty grading force exerted (holding pencil too tightly or loose, slamming doors)
- Bumps or pushes other children
- Seems unsure of how far to raise or lower body during movement activities
- Appears to have decreased coordination

- Hyperactive and difficult to calm
- Difficulty modulating emotional response
- Startles easily
- Difficult to arouse and does not react to loud sounds, bright lights, etc.
- Difficulty completing tasks
- Difficulty transitioning from one task to another

- Complains of things “smelling bad”
- Notices how people smell
- Reacts violently to smells
- Smells objects constantly
- Prefers highly spiced or totally bland foods
- Chooses very limited repertoire of foods (e.g., prefers smooth vs. textured)